Roof4All and all affiliated parties, agents and representatives are referred to as “the Company”.
The attached information is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of the Company. The attached summarized profile of the Company is furnished in response to an inquiry about the Company, and is not, nor does not purport to be, a complete disclosure document.
The recipient agrees to return this information upon request of the Company. The recipient agrees not to distribute or publicly disseminate this information in any form. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or other information contained herein.
The financial information contained herein has not been audited, reviewed or compiled by outside accountants, it is internal Company information. It has not been prepared on the basis of GAAP, or according to any AIPCA, or any other professional guidelines.
Persons interested in the Company should have this information, and the books and records of the Company, reviewed by their own counsel, accountants and other professionals.
The Company is a startup subject to a very large number of material risks, many of which are outside its control. Any investor must be able to withstand a total loss of their investment if the Company, for any reason, is not successful, and no representation is or can be made that the Company will be successful.